Where the money reside, where the money resideeeee.
I usually enjoy reading posts like this and that is why I have decided to make this post for all of you fashion lovers.

Hey !
I am Derin, I am 21 and I currently have 2-3 sources of income that all revolve around my love for fashion. I run a thrift store with my sister called @rubbiethrift on instagram. I have 3 sisters and we all sell our old and new clothes on that page. it is the depop of naija, since we currently do not have depop available in our country.
I also work as a freelance social media manager and content creator for fashion brands, I have been a consistent fashion social media manager for about a year now. Although I have been doing social media managing for some years now but I only started making a substantial amount of money from it in 2020, right before I finished uni.
All the career opportunities I will mention are things I have probably tried in the past, or I currently do.

Start a thrift store
There are lots of thrift stores on instagram right now. And I am only encouraging you to start a thrift store if what you’re selling is ‘wearable’ by people, you are not allowed to sell torn or horrible looking clothes, that you yourself cannot wear. How do you start a thrift store ? Well that is something you would have to tell me you want and I will provide the details for you in another post.
Be a fashion social media manager
I started social media managing at like 17, which was in like 2017. And then, I would help my friends with businesses control their account, of course no money was involved, I just really enjoyed being online then(unlike now). Of course social media managing is not a random thing you can start right away. It took me taking courses, working for free, practising, taking more courses and seeking knowledge from people with more experiences. Plus, I kind of did digital marketing in school and that helped a bit. Now how to be a fashion social media manager? Niche down! when I tell people I am a ‘fashion social media manager’ they are shocked as to why I have decided to niche down and the truth is, i know what I want and I know what I am good at. I have worked with a tech company in the past, and believe me when I say it was torture, asides the fact that the company never paid me my salary after a month+ of working with them and even with a legal document, it was torture because I did not know what I was doing half the time. I goggled every word they would say on the group chat because I did not have an idea what most of them meant. I am not a big tech girl. I am a fun, fashionable (funny sometimes) type of girl.
Become a fashion stylist
I have tried this in the past, as a matter of fact if you ever followed me on instagram around 2017/2018 you would know this, I used my sister as my model one time and have used a lot of my friends too. However, I have not completely closed my mind to being a fashion stylist. but I don’t necessarily embrace that part of me, like I embrace the part of my career that brings me money lol. Oh and a fashion stylist is someone who styles people, provides clothes for them sometimes too. The best person I can give as a good example of this career path is @melissaswardrobe . oh, she is good at what she does !
Start a fashion blog
I have been blogging for 4 years now, and I only just realised that I can be making money from my blog. I mean I heard people say that in the past, but when I started blogging I knew nothing, I started blogging because of my love for fashion and writing, I enjoyed and still do trying on clothes so I thought to share that. I was about to monetise my last blog when the hosting crashed. unfortunately, fashion blogging isn’t exactly going to fetch you fast money, it takes years or months of dedication and influence. But you know what they say, ‘slow and steady wins the race’
The last tip/idea is waiting for you on my YouTube channel, I recently published a detailed video on this topic, to have more insight as to how you can start any of the things listed above, WATCH MY YOUTUBE VIDEO
How to make money doing fashion in 2022